Friday, March 9, 2018

Duet 1 - 'Tegami' For Two Flutes

Song:  Tegami (Letter)

Vocalist:  Yuki Saori

I used this same YouTube video to Transcribe and Compose this duet
(I had transcribed Flute I from this singer's vocal track...
and I had composed Flute II).

I just played the song...
over and over...
a small portion at a time...
as I played out the notes by ear on my Bass Flute.

I then placed each note, or musical notation...
on the free computer software 'Musescore 2' blank manuscript sheet...
and I then composed my own track of music, a few notes at a time, for Flute II.

This song is the same one as in the previous article.

The first line (Flute I)...
is the transcription of the vocal track of 'Tegami'.

For Flute II...
again...I had composed it so as to allow this song, 'Tegami'...
to be played as a duet for two flutes...
or for almost any other combination of musical instruments.

The music for Flute II only exists in this sheet music...
it isn't part of the original song.

I had made it up so two instruments may play 'Tegami' as a duet.

Of course...
the Bass Flute would really excel playing F II.

I had followed the bass and rhythm track somewhat...
but I really changed it overall...
and I added many up and down scale runs.

This was the first time I had composed anything.

I had a lot of fun...
and I learned a whole lot.

This is also a great daily exercise song for playing scales on the flute...
or on your musical instrument of choice.

As it is written in Treble Clef...
many instruments may make this a duet.

I will start a new song in a little while.

I will probably need to spend many hours just searching YouTube
for a really great song to transcribe or transpose.

I will need much more practice before I try my hand at composing a whole song...
just creating an F II to make this a great duet...
was tremendously interesting for me.

I love Transcribing, Transposing...
and especially now...
I absolutely love Composing.

In a few days...
I will have been playing the Bass Flute for a full two months.

Although I had started learning the Concert Flute over 35 years ago...
I had never gotten beyond the Beginners book...
as I was a full time university student...
and I was working full time.

And, as I lived in a rooming house...
I could never practice...
and the fact that the sound of the upper registers 
of the Concert Flute had really hurt my ears...
shortly after I started to learn it...
I stopped playing it.

Other than playing some bamboo flutes by ear
 a few times over the past 35 years...
that is it.

I really am a beginner in music.

I highly recommend any beginner of music to start transcribing your favorite songs also.

I may practice all I wish...
and so...
I am really enjoying everything about the Bass Flute.

I especially enjoy making my own sheet music
of my favorite songs...
and being able to alter them if I so desire. it is:

(This is a perfect piece to practice on a daily basis.
Both after the other...
and after a short while...
you could play it with someone else as a duet).

Hint...the most fun set of lines to play is F II  :)

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