Sunday, August 5, 2018

Gnossienne no. 1 - Redo Improvement

Song:  Gnossienne no 1

Original Composer:  Erik Satie

Performing Artists:  

Alto Flute / Transposer:  Luke Pickman

Piano:  Paolo Bertolotto

I redid a much earlier transcription...
as it was sloppily handwritten...
and I have since made some corrections.

I had made some alterations to this song in a couple of minor ways.

This song is going to be my mother's and my first duet.

I am teaching her the piano portion now.

This is going to be one of my sunset songs.

Although I have never taken piano lessons...
I am figuring out the piano portion by looking at, and listening to...
 the above music video.

And so...
I will not be transcribing the piano portion.

The piano portion is actually very easy to play in this song.

It is the main reason I had picked this song for our first duet.

Watch for the repeat bars...
and for the change of loudness indicators and insignias...
and on one repeat...
watch for the 8vb (1 octave lower) on the second time around.

Although it may take a while for my mother to be able to play 
this song on the she is almost 80 years old...
and she cannot play the piano...yet  :)...
once our duet is practiced and played well enough...
I will include a video of us playing it on one of my other blogs:


  1. I will be coming up tomorrow. Perhaps we can play the duet together. This is beautiful music.
